Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Abercrombie, visit 1.

Today we visited Abercrombie Primary School to deliver our Athletics circuit.

I was in charge of the Javelin station which consisted of us using 5 foam javelins and 5 cones. We had 5 students at a time which we made stand on a cone which were spread out in a line. I demonstrated the techniques of a javelin throw:
1. Hold the javelin 3 quarters of the way down.
2. Legs shoulder width apart.
3. Bend your back leg.
4. Opposite arm, point up to the air.
5. Follow through your throw.

We allowed them to have two practice throws which then we turned into a little competition. The first group of people i didn't really connect with them as i didn't ask there names. With the remaining 5 groups, i connected with the students as i introduced myself and asked for their names.

Overall, the coaching went well. To improve it, i could of corrected the kids technique to help them throw further. 

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