My session was successful as the whole group listened and understood the task. The noise level in the sports hall was high so I did more demonstrations rather than talking through it. I am pleased with the session as we only had 5 minutes to prepare. I used 4 balls and 8 cones.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Football session 1.
My session was successful as the whole group listened and understood the task. The noise level in the sports hall was high so I did more demonstrations rather than talking through it. I am pleased with the session as we only had 5 minutes to prepare. I used 4 balls and 8 cones.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Athletics Circuit - Jessica Ennis.
As Jessica Ennis was in college, we had to deliver an athletics circuit to 40 children from Abercrombie school and Christ Church school.
A few kids turned up early, as we didn't want them sitting around gettin bored, we gave them brief demonstrations of the circuit to familiarise them with it.
As everybody turned up, we gave a 5 minute warm up. We played Simon says, 3 of us demonstrated it, the rest joined in making the kids feel comfortable. This warm up was successful as the kids enjoyed it, nobody was sat out and it prepared them.
My group delivered hurdles which we had 10 minutes to do. We firstly introduced ourselves and got to know them. We then explained and demonstrated the key techniques and got them to copy us. We then allowed them to practice jumping over cones so they could learn the techniques. After 2 minutes, we teamed them up then introduced them to the practice hurdles. We allowed them to have one practice go. After this we did races, this was successful as the children enjoyed the competetiveness.
We did this 5 other times for the other groups.
As coaches, we was successful as we demonstrated, joined in, introduced ourselves, got to know the children and we did a lot of encouraging and congratulating (e.g. Clapping) which gave them confidence.
Abercrombie, visit 2.
We had five minutes as a group to develop a training session for 32 children in a small area ( badminton court.) We immediately set up a plan:
- The Warm Up
- A Fun Game.
- Relays.
Dan, Luke and myself delivered the warm up. Straight away we got control of the children as they knew we was in charge. We spoke them through with what we was going to do and gave them some safety instructions. We set up a grid with cones around the badminton court, which we got the children to run around in. The children just ran side to side to start off with so Dan stopped the group and told them to run in different directions. After a minute, Dan told them to do sidesteps and then a minute later, to skip. A minute later, i stopped the group and gave then another instruction which was... " Now, im going to shout out some numbers! If i shout 2, you get in two's, if i shout 3, you get into three's and so on." I asked them if they understood then i got them to start running around the grid again. Luke shouted the numbers out, they got in the numbers, then i got them running again. We did this four times then i stopped the group, told them well done and then passed them onto the next group.
I am happy with my role in the coaching as i was loud and clear with my instructions and i took control of the class.
The next group played a game called "Mountains and Valleys." I helped this group by spreading out the cones, encouraging them and then counting the cones at the end.
After this game, i grouped all the children up and got them to sit down ready for the relays.
I helped the next group by taking charge of a team of 10 for the relays. This group was slighly unorganised as the children were too excited at the time, so i calmed down my team and explained what they had to do. One girl started crying and didnt want to the race as she said she wasnt very good. I spoke to the girl and told her that she did well but she could sit out if she wanted. The girl joined back in with the race.
This was the end of the session. I spoke to a few of the children by crouching down on my knees so i was at the same height as them. I asked what there names was and if they enjoyed the games.
Overall, the session went well as we took control, the children enjoyed it and we was flexible as we changed our session plan within 5 minutes and delivered it well.
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Abercrombie, visit 1.
Today we visited Abercrombie Primary School to deliver our Athletics circuit.
I was in charge of the Javelin station which consisted of us using 5 foam javelins and 5 cones. We had 5 students at a time which we made stand on a cone which were spread out in a line. I demonstrated the techniques of a javelin throw:
1. Hold the javelin 3 quarters of the way down.
2. Legs shoulder width apart.
3. Bend your back leg.
4. Opposite arm, point up to the air.
5. Follow through your throw.
We allowed them to have two practice throws which then we turned into a little competition. The first group of people i didn't really connect with them as i didn't ask there names. With the remaining 5 groups, i connected with the students as i introduced myself and asked for their names.
Overall, the coaching went well. To improve it, i could of corrected the kids technique to help them throw further.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Athletics Circuit
1. Shuttle runs
2. Shot-put using bean bags
3. Javelin using foam javelins
4. Hurdles
5. Long jump
Football Circuit.
1. Kick-ups - This develops ball control.
2. Passing against a wall - This helps you on your passing and reactions.
3. Press-ups on top of the ball - This develops upper body strength and balance.
4. Sit-ups with the ball.
5. Kick-ups (Head only) - This helps on your footwork, balance and heading.
6. Shuttle runs - This increases cardiovascular fitness.
7. Volleys against the wall - This helps your reactions and ables you to deal with complicated passes.
8. Leaps (Heading ball motion) - This helps your heading technique and helps your fitness.
9. Jumping over the ball - This develops balance and footwork.
10. Tip-Taps on ball - This helps footwork and quick feet.
11. Dribbling in the middle round cones (circle) - This develops ball control, both feet and Dribbling.