Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Abercrombie visit 5.

After the warm up, the class was split into three so each group had 10 children on a third of a badminton court.

My group had to deliver dribbling in basketball. When the children turned up, i explained the key factors of dribbling, which are:

- Head up
-Bounce the ball waist height
-Use one hand at a time
-Crouch your back slightly to gain control
-Use fingertips

After that i got them to dribble in the area.

I called them in after a minute and demonstrated a game which we was going to do. The exercise was to stand in a space and bounce the ball waist height to start off with, then i shout lower or higher. If i shouted lower they had to dribble the ball as low as they could and if i shouted higher they had to do it as high as they could. After three minutes of that, i got them to dribble around bouncing the ball as low as they could. Then we swapped groups and started over again.

This session went well as i took control of the group, demonstrated, encouraged, well detailed and explained games and factors and finally was loud and clear.

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